Nutrition and Physical Activities

Dieticians of the Nutrition Centre help you to fight against stereotypes and bring out good eating habits for losing weight healthily.

Category - Nutrition

    • Nutritional consultation - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

    • Body composition assessment - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

    • Workshops "I learn and I change my habits" - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

    • Workshops "I learn and I cook" - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

    • Consultation + body composition assessment package - new - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

    • Postcure follow-up - new formula - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

    • Entry Physical Activity Area - 25/03/2024 to 02/11/2024

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Download the contracted cure form Download the spa cure form
La boutique en ligne sera accessible très prochainement.

Merci de votre compréhension.

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